Sunday, May 23, 2010
Posted by ♥→ⓑⓐⓑⓨⓙⓞⓨⓒⓔ← Life Story♥ at 3:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
hiiie readers :))
ii'm bac tu update maii bloq . ii've throw maii bloq aside bout 17 days >__<*
sowiie cuz of maii lazyness ! XD
it's a simple post fer today .
uhmm , nothinq special happens . May 1st and 2nd was at Ipoh :)
everyday eat and saturday qo fer sinq k session .
tat's all !
yeahh ! maii mid year exam is around da corner :(
start on 18 May andd end up on 2 June .
wad the hell ?
exam fer 3 weeks ? gosshh .
lyke wanna us die laa . who can help miiiiie !!!
miie andd Vicky plan together tat 28 or mayb 29 May will qoin Sunway Laqoon :))
hees ;D
have tu save money lerrr . lack of money !! XD
Andddd , Nex Saturday mayb will qoin tu hear UNDANG wit Vicky :D
tat's all fer today .
bye guyys <3
Posted by ♥→ⓑⓐⓑⓨⓙⓞⓨⓒⓔ← Life Story♥ at 7:34 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Movie Dae

went Sunway Pyramid fer moviie wit aunt , uncle , cousin andd grandmum follow us also :)))
reach there bout 1+
rushed tu cinema tu bought tickets . watched Ice Kacang Puppy Love .
Rate : ★★★★☆
it's a funny moviie . quite nice andd romantic <3
support local moviie :D
who haven watch must watch it ASAP ! :)
6.45 0nlyy da moviie start >.<
bef0re tat , v went tu 'da ji chang' . played racing car wit maii uncle andd cousin .
quite fun niia ~
after tat went fer lunch + dinner at Sushi King before moviie .
ate jor RM16 .
uhmm , nt tat expensive niia :))
cuz ii diin pay tax :P uncle pay fer us !
thanks waa .
6.15 gather infront of cinema . aunt andd grandmum reach there ~
waited bout 30 minutes onlyy they let us in =x
watch till 8 +
reach home bout 9-10+
Posted by ♥→ⓑⓐⓑⓨⓙⓞⓨⓒⓔ← Life Story♥ at 5:46 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Grandmum's 64th Bufdae Celebration .
Todayy went Restaurant Super Tanker at Damansara Kim 文华轩 fer grandmum's 64th bufdae celebration . reach there bout 7+
actually suppose tu reach before 7 but all make up till forget tiime lerrr :))
den wait all tu reach , order foods time andd v all kip capturing non - stop .
while waiting fer food v sing some song first . v book a room wit two table so can singg inside da room :P
bout 8+ v can eat lerrr . all veryy hunqry cuz diin eat lunch ! XD
but miie andd other cousin kip sinqing until forget tu eat ~ ask them help us take those food tu our plate . full of 1 plate >.<
after tat v eat till 10 den kip sinqinq again andd again . adults will just drink wine andd v drink few bottles of beer (Carlsberg) .
anddd it's da time fer singing bufdae sonqs :)) Chocolate cake fer todayyy ! bought by us .
den sing till 11 . no any customers there except us still inside da room =x
hees ;D tuu happiiie jor maa .
before bac home v went tu 42 launge beside da restaurant ~
they drink beer again >.<>
uhmm , ii prefer Vodka than beer :))))
I Lurve Vodka !!
home sweet home around 1+
freakinq tired ~
Posted by ♥→ⓑⓐⓑⓨⓙⓞⓨⓒⓔ← Life Story♥ at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
went Sunway Pyramid again wit maii boy , Vicky andd Weii Soon .
prepare ar0und 8 + andd waited Vicky's mum fetch miie ar0und 9.45 . thanks tu aunty . called teksi tu reach at 10 but he reach at 10.15+
reallyyy gekk seiii laa !!
den called maii boy see whether he reach dyy , he bluf miie tat he's still sleeping .
but actually he reach Sunway dyy ~
two boys but tw0 gals still haven reach :)) nevermind laa .
boys wait gal is normal gea ! XD
reach there bout 10.45 den straight rushed tu cinema fer moviie tickets collecting :P
after tat v decide where tu hav our breakfast . final discussion is Dragon-i :DD
eat till 11.45 den pay bill . 4 person ate RM101.20 .
expensive ? cheap ?
den 12.10 went fer moviie .
' Beauty On Duty '
Rate : ★★★☆☆
it's a funny moviie , no story at all ! just laugh onlyy niia >.<
after tat wanna meet maii Babe Gwen but cant make it ! Grrrrr =x
cuz she have a moviie on 1 +
den 2.30 went AMP Square fer our Sing K session :)))
favourite session . hees ;D
sing till 5 and it cost us RM101.20 fer 4 person !!!
WAD DA HELL ! damn expensive andd v just onlyy sing fer 2 hours 30 minutes !! >.<
theyy say v can sing till 5.30 but at last till 5 onlyyy . all freakingg dulan lerrr :P
do euu guys look at da price tat v eat at Dragon-i andd AMP Square prices ?
it's SAME !! RM101.20
ahhaha . so ngam niia ~
0kayyys . after tat v decided tu find bufdae presents fer our dude :))
went Hello Planet at first but nothing tu buy den went Mini Toons at last .
decided tu buy cutiie cup andd cutiie dustbin fer her .
first time buy these things as bufdae present ! XD
den v kip discussing where tu go . but at last v cant discuss it !
cuz it's tuu boringgg lerr T__T
den at last v walk seperatlyyy cuz baby wanna find sumthingg :))
Vicky called and us where's us , she thought v are missingg :P
da time past freakingg fast andd it's da time tu bac home =x
damn not wilingg tu leave baby >.<
8+ called teksi ask ask whether reach dyy a nt andd he told miie gonna reach !!
another time gekk seii .
baby accompanyy miie bac tu restaurant cuz having second round at Kwai Lam Restaurant .
celebrating mummy's bufdae .
later baby ownself sit teksi bac home . piityyyy hiim :(
da teksi cost hiim RM60 .
1 word EXPENSIVE .
at nitez he cant accompany miie cuz he hav tu go clubbing tu celebrate his fwens bufdae .
andd he's DRUNK tat dayyyy !! gekk seii .
home sweet home around 10+
Posted by ♥→ⓑⓐⓑⓨⓙⓞⓨⓒⓔ← Life Story♥ at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
hiiie everyone ~
finally ii'm here tu update maii DEAD blog lerr =x
yeahhh ! ytd attended maii relative's wedding dinner at Tai Thong Restaurant , Kepong.
5+ start preparing..bath , make up , make hair andd bla bla bla.
reach there at 7+.andd it was raining heavily !
ii was wondering , y everytime tiis relative open wedding dinner also will rain gehh -.-
but ii cant get da answer ~ FINE !
waited maii cousin at da entrance fer 1 hour +.
ii stand till leg also pain dyy ! sumore ii'm wearing high heels tat day :S
finally they reach at 8++ and went in together :))
hees ;D
around 9 da ceremony started.
Posted by ♥→ⓑⓐⓑⓨⓙⓞⓨⓒⓔ← Life Story♥ at 1:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Yeahh ! finally ii'm here tu update maii deadly blog.
today ii skipped skul again ~
sumtimes really feel freaking lazy tu study >.<>
whole day stay at home doin maii seni f0lio andd homew0rk :)
y form 5 so many thing tu do ?
ii reallyyy duno ~
0kayyys.sumtimes staring infr0nt of computer but duno wad can ii do !
life is so freaking bored gehh ??
aiiikkkks.juz can listen songs + chatting ~
wad else can ii do ?
uhmm , ii've d0wnload few movies so ii can watch it during ii'm freaking bored :)))
guys , ii'll stop here ~ no idea wad tu write dyy.
ii miss him freaking muchhh ♥
Posted by ♥→ⓑⓐⓑⓨⓙⓞⓨⓒⓔ← Life Story♥ at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
v were too bored at home during chinese new year so planned today out wit besties.
Ron Gor andd Nicole Jiie were going tuu :)
lonqq lonqq time diin meet them.miss them badlyyyy ♥
9+ when fer breakfast wit aunt andd cousiin :)
at last Chun Yit join us..aunt fetch us tu bustop at 10+
Vicky and Esther reach bustop at 10.15a.m
teksi reach at 10.30+
den v reach Sunway Pyramid bout 11 a.m..
meet Wei Soon at da entrance.den meet Christin.
Vicky and Wei Soon went Mcdonald tu have breakfast 1st ~ den miie and Esther wanna search fer necklace but there's no suitable miie geh necklace =x
at last Esther bought a necklace andd v bought 4 hairband :)
1 ppl 1 hairband ~ gals onlyy lahhh :))
after tat went Mcdonald.ii juz drank a cup of coke cuz ii've had maii breakfast before goin :D
Goh Chun Yit.cant see clearlyy =x
after finish eating,Vicky and Wei Soon went tu 'dai geii cheong'.v diin follow them.
received call from Ron Gor but ii did notice it =x
den saw hiim infront of Mcdonald andd kip calling miie x) paiisehh cuz diin answer ur phone.
den waited Nicole Jiie fer about 10 minutes.
yeahhh !! ii saw her :)
sibeh lenqq niia ~ lurve her ♥
den went tu Asian Avenue t0gether wit Nicole Jiie andd Ron Gor.
den v took some picha at da sticker machine there :) using phone onlyy larhhhx :S
these are da pics v took there :D

after finished capturing , next station is TOILET !
start capturing againnn :)
start capturing againnn :)
gals lover ♥
after finish all,it's time tu go fer skating :)
saw Soong Lam them at KFC eating
saw them den straight remember bac bout Full House's Memories :DD
funnyy lahh weyyhhh ! xP
queue-ing up tu buy tickets.manyy people andd today was damn expensive lehh =x
RM 26 per person -.- *faint*
saw Yee Sheng inside skating rink.
he recognised miie !! Lolx
hw change his hairstyle lahhh !
uhmm , meet Xian Xian awhile andd she wanna borrow RM1 from us :S
she's nt enough money tu buy KFC so lend from us :)
while resting v were tu bored andd v went tu da toilet fer picture session againn :P

den v sat down andd chit-chat wit them awhile before v goin out :)

Chun Yit and Yee Sheng.
walked around Asian Avenue andd v planned tu go Snowy fer driinks ♥

Christin,mine and Esther's driinks.
it's a sticker tat stick on each table ~
received Ron Gor's msg.he asked miie where's miie andd ii answered hiim ii'm at Snowy :)
he told miie will come between few minutes but at last reach there bout 30 minutes..
den hang around 3rd floor ~
discussing where tu eat our diinner but at last v was standing there seeing ppl skating =x
den sudenllyy saw Chun Yit holding 1 gal's hand.v was wondering who was tat gal ~
her gf ?
v called her and asked hiim.he said da gal she juz noe TODAY !!
a gal which noe TODAY can hug + hold hands ?
andd he told miie da gal bought a couple-tee fer him =x
ii gotta faint >.<>
fine ! foerget bout it ! xP
our moviie gotta start at 7 + so on 7 v reach cinema :)
Ron Gor accompany us there tuu ♥ thx yahhhs.
hv bought popcorn andd driinks ~ waiting tu go in andd it was sibeh lonq !!
7.15 v went in ler and say buhbye tu Ron Gor cuz he gonna 'da bao' his diiner andd waited his sis tu fetch hiim bac home :)
and yeahhh !! v watched tiis moviie ~
it's a quite funny movie :)
euu guys should watch it asap ~
after moviie,bout 9++ v onlyy went fer diinner at
den Chun Yit come join us ~
cuz his gf bac home dyyy -.-
went 'sam gan chong' fer ur diinner
den miie and Esther waited her parents come andd fetch us home :)
it's adyyy 10+ p.m.all shops were closed andd there was no ppl anymore >.<
Posted by ♥→ⓑⓐⓑⓨⓙⓞⓨⓒⓔ← Life Story♥ at 3:55 PM 0 comments
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